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Category: Home Page Articles

Our Leaders

The Cubmaster for Pack 1550 during the 2023-2024 year will be Don Hightower. Don has a long history of Cub Mastering and is excited to bring the program to a new year of scouts.

— ” I became an adult Scouter for the simple reason that—after my parents—Scouting was easily the most important influence on my life before I went to college. Scouting gave me confidence and a place where I could fit in at a critical stage in my personal development. It also gave me my first opportunities to grow as a leader. The desire to create these same experiences for every boy and girl who joins our pack motivates everything that I do in my role with the pack. “

Earn the most important patch in scouting!

Recruiter Strip

The Recruiter Strip has just one requirement: recruit a friend into Scouting.

Any youth member — in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing or Sea Scouts — who gets a friend, classmate or relative to sign up for Scouting can receive the red, white and blue patch. The strip is worn centered directly below the right pocket on the uniform.

Invite a friend to a meeting or an outing so they can see how much fun we have!

When they are ready to join, send them to to join our pack now!

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