Pinewood Derby

The Pinewood Derby is a racing event anticipated by Cub Scouts across the nation. Our pack holds a Pinewood Derby once a year. Cub Scouts, with the help of parents, build their own wooden cars from a kit we provide. Each kit containing a block of pine, plastic wheels, and metal axles.
Pinewood 2025
This year’s Pinewood will be held 1pm to 3pm February 1, 2025 at The Bammel Church of Christ Youth Center – 2700 Cypress Creek Pkwy, Houston, TX 77068
Derby check in is held the night before, January 31, from 6-8 pm.
Build Your Car at the Workshop
We will be holding a workshop on January 11th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm at the Troop 1323 Scout Hut behind Plymouth United Church. Experts will be onsite to help you and your cub scout with as much help as they want to get ready for the derby. We will have a band saw, a drill Press, a table sander, miscellaneous woodworking hand tools, and a Painting Station!
The rules can be found here.
The pack provides a stock kit sold by BSA. You are asked to use the parts in the kit to build your base car.
Derby Meister Plea
As your cub scout decides on their car design, it is always difficult to determine how much involvement you, as a parent, should have in building the car. The following is not a rule but just a gauge by which you may use. Also, keep in mind BSA does not want Cub Scouts utilizing Power Tools, so I would suggest you involve them heavily with tasks where their safety is not a concern (i.e., painting, sanding, gluing, etc.)

Suggested parental involvement:
- Lions and Tiger Cubs: 75-90%
- Wolf Scouts: 50-60%
- Bear Scouts: 25-35%
- Webelos I : < 20%
- Webelos II: <10%
Some Useful Links
- Has some unusual design ideas
- The tips are good.
- Please do not buy anything performance-related.
- Mark Rober Pinewood Science